You Might Be Afraid of Success And Not Even Know It. Here Are 3 Fixes.

Dale B. Harris
2 min readJan 29, 2022


Procrastination, self sabotage, and not exploring my potential.

That what happened to me after seeing some initial success. Achieving goals and realizing success definitely brings joy and fulfillment, but sometimes it can cause a lot of discomfort too.

This led to procrastination, avoidance, and distraction!

Which means if you want to stop avoiding the things you know will help you get what you want, you have to face your fear of success.

Fear of success?! Who’s afraid of success? I would kill for more success!”

Well, I was. You can want something and still be afraid of the impact it might have on your life. And for many creators and entrepreneurs, success can challenge your beliefs and identities.

When you’re starting a new project, you may feel some anxiety, but the fears that arise after you’ve hit some level of success can be even more significant now that it feels like you have something to lose.

“What if it all disappears? What if people stop approving of me? Who would I be without this business, this following, this NFT?”

If you’re struggling with a fear of success, try out these reframes :

1. If you’re afraid that your friends and family will treat you differently → Remember you can’t control nor predict how people will react.

2. If success feels like it will be hard work to maintain → Know that success is as easy or hard as you allow it to be. Release the fear and see what unfolds.

3. If it feels like you have more to lose now that you have success → Be grateful for what you’ve created and don’t hold on too tightly. You aren’t defined by your success.

This post was created with Typeshare



Dale B. Harris

If you’re ready to make that leap from your 9 to 5 to digital entrepreneurship, I can help.